John Emmons: Rep. Houlahan’s

Moderate Mask has Slipped

Thursday, September 26, 2019

West Grove, PA – John Emmons, candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, released the following statement regarding Representative Chrissy Houlahan’s support of the impeachment probe against President Trump:

“Representative Chrissy Houlahan spent the last election proclaiming herself to be a moderate voice. The mask has slipped: Now she’s a leading voice on Nancy Pelosi’s partisan impeachment bandwagon. For the past two years, the Democrats have been trying to overturn the 2016 election, throwing accusation after accusation at the President and launching endless investigations. Chrissy Houlahan has joined in lockstep with Team Pelosi. She is now part of the partisan swamp, seeking to raise her profile by playing for the accolades of the angry left. In 2018, she sold the voters a bill of goods. Now we know the truth.”
